日本財団 図書館




Article 23. The Organization shall register itself under the provisions of a Cabinet Order.


2. Any matter which shall be registered under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be binding on a third party unless the registrationhas been completed.


(Application under Civil Law)
Article 24. The provisions of Article 44 (Unlawful Action Liability) and Article 50 (Address of Juridical Person) of Civil Law (Law No. 89, 1896) shall apply accordingly to the Organization.





Article 25. In order to establish the Organization, it is necessary that the promoters consist of the heads of the local public body concerned and more than ten persons the expertise and experience for the promulgation of countermeasures concerning the prevention of disturbance arising from aircraft noise.


2. The promoters shall prepare the articles of incorporation and business program, and raise investment for the Organization from the local public body concerned.


3. Matters to be addressed in the business program under the preceding paragraph shall be decided by Ordinances of The Ministry of Transport.


(Approval of Establishment, etc.)
Article 26. The promoters shall, on completion of the matters under the provisions of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, apply for the approval of establishment by submitting the articles of incorporation and business program to the Minister of Transport.


Article 27. The Minister of Transport shall, when approving an application for establishment, do so upon examining whether the application for approval under the provisions of the preceding Article conforms with all of the provisions of the following subparagraphs:
(1)The procedures for establishment and the contents of the articles of incorporation and business program should conform with the provisions of Laws





